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Monday, August 9, 2010

Having Fun Before Summer's Done

By Wes Fessler

It seems like it has only begun--the beautiful bright sunny days, giving life to tall, colorful blooms that sweeten the air; but the appearance does not reveal one small detail...summer is just about over!

Drat! Where did it go? Another summer nearly in the bag; and how many of those fun family plans are still on your list waiting to be done? Hopefully you've been busy enjoying the summer with your family, and have had so much fun together that you just can't think of anything else to do.

Whether you've run out of ideas, or just haven't gotten to them yet, we have some great ideas that will help you to finish off the summer in a fun and exciting way.

Sure the kids are heading back to school, but that's no reason to give up on the fun yet. There's still plenty of great weather ahead, and the weekends are certainly still calling for your attention.

So you've already fed the ducks at the pond, and gone fishing, hiking and camping...right. You've gone kite flying, picnicing, and swimming for sure. Although we don't have room to list them all here, we have a great article at Family Fun Shop that lists 100 Fun Family Activities, many of which can be done during the summer. Each of the activities has a short description that can help you decide which activities to add to your list of end of summer family events.

Don't be disheartened as the summer winds down. Get some great ideas from our list and enjoy what is left of this wonderful summer with your family. See our article and list of 100 Family Fun Activities at: